Monday, January 23, 2023

Thrift Store Scores- Gaston and Bless This Mouse

 At the thrift store the longer I stayed in the book section, the more treasures I found!

Kelly DiPucchio
pictures by Christian Robinson 2014

I had seen the book Gaston at Barnes and Nobel at one point but never picked it up.  However when I read it at the thrift store I realized just how absolutely adorable it was!  The story of a little bulldog living with his poodle mom and sisters has a sweet message of family and love.  Charlotte and I noticed how deceptively simple the artwork was.  I'm always so impressed by this style of illustration (the Elephant and Piggie books by Mo Willems pull this off too).  The drawing doesn't look complicated and yet the skill of the artist manages to evoke all the emotion of the characters.  I won't spoil it, but I was so happy with the ending too.

I picked this next one up for my 4 year old niece, though I'm going to have a hard time giving it away!  The fuzzy flocked animals on each page are so cute.  And there's even some tactile surprises here and there, like the velveted spider's webs and some flowers.  Even though Charlotte is 14 now, I read this to her in bed the other night just like I would have when she was 4.  And she still loved it too!

Bless this Mouse
Dianna Hutts Aston 
illustrated by John Butler 2004

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