Monday, August 20, 2012

Growltiger's Last Stand

One thing I love about camping in Ithaca is going downtown to visit the town.  Ithaca has a really neat center called "Ithaca Commons".  It's an area with shops and restaurants, art sculptures and even a little playground.  Often there are street musicians playing music and always interesting people to look at.  There's a fantastic toy store that we like to stop in.  This year Henry bought a board game that we brought back to camp and played at the picnic table. 

Another regular stop is the used bookstore (of course!!)  The children's section isn't too bad and we always manage to bring a bag home with us.  The best part is coming back to camp and sitting around the fire reading our new acquisitions. 

T.S. Eliot
pictures by Errol Le Cain 1988

This was one such find. We read this late at night in the tent, Madeleine on one side and Charlotte on the other (Henry and Chris were playing cards). Madeleine and I got a case of the 'giddies' and thought the poems and pictures were particularly hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. My friend Adam and I used to sing the Broadway musical version of GLS during art class in high school. Still the only Italian opera lyrics I ever learned. True story. :)
