Monday, August 15, 2011

Oh, What a Busy Day

Even though it's the lazy days of summer we seem to be fairly busy with the very best of things. We visited the Arboretum and stayed in the shade for an hour playing along the banks of a creek. We biked to church Sunday morning and stopped for water ice on our way home. And we packed our nature journals for a day at the Wissahickon where we caught crayfish in nets and waded in the cool water. I was afraid that in the heat we would all plop in front of the tv and not move. But surprisingly our tv has hardly been turned on. Whole days have gone by and we've never even missed it.

Gyo Fujikawa 2010

I love Gyo Fujikawa.  Her cute illustrations always include kids of all different colors and nationalities.  In this book there are rhymes on each page as the children wake up and fill their day with jump rope, hide and seek, imaginary games inside, gardening, helping others, picnics by the beach, etc...   It's a busy day indeed!

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