Saturday, January 25, 2020

How the Forest Grew

William Jaspersohn 1992
illustrated by Chuck Eckart

As much as I love walking in the forest I confess I never really thought about how the forest grew.  I suppose I thought that all the trees had always just been there.  This book is very simply written, but describes the quite complex process of how forests grow.  Starting with a farming field left abandoned it traces the various stages and plants and trees that lead to a great New England hardwood forest.  It's really quite fascinating.  

Friday, January 24, 2020

A Guide to Nature in Winter

Found this at the used bookshop and it’s amazing! We’ve been identifying all sorts of things we see on our winter walks. Even in these cold and dark months beautiful things are happening!

Donald W. Stokes 1979
illustrated by Deborah Prince