Henry Treece
painting by Barry Moser 1992
We've found that summer nights can be dark and mysterious and even a little bit scary. Anyone familiar with the erlking folk tales will recognize his spirit in this poem by Henry Treece (first published in 1945). I love to read the repeating refrain: The wood is full of shining eyes,
The wood is full of creeping feet,
The wood is full of tiny cries:
You must not go to the wood at night!
I met a man with eyes of glass
And a finger as curled as the wriggling worm,
And hair all red with rotting leaves,
And a stick that hissed like a summer snake.
He made me a penny out of a stone,
And showed me the way to catch a lark
With a straw and a nut and a whispered word
And a pennorth of ginger wrapped up in a leaf.